I Know I Am Strange
I've always been a little strange. It's sort of a funny, quirky strange. But I think some people find me really, really weird and it can be a little off-putting. I can remember, even as a kid, I would sometimes say or do the weirdest things. My mom can vouch for me. For instance, at the beginning of the school year in first grade, I told the teacher I was allergic to bee stings. She called my mom. My mom told her I was not allergic to bee stings. I told that same teacher that I once got lost at the zoo and couldn't find my mom and what a terrible ordeal it was. This is another story that was completely false and my mom, once again, set the teacher straight. In junior high, I told a teacher that I had leukemia. She called my mother to see how "Jennifer is doing with her leukemia." I don't know how my mom held it together on that one. Maybe I was not strange, but a complete liar! No, I think I was just a ...